Nuacht ó Rang 3/4
4ú Bealtaine 2020
Amharc ar na rudaí deasa atá déanta ag páistí Rang 3/4 agus iad sa bhaile - aclaíocht, glantóireacht, ceol, ceardaíocht, agus obair scoile ar ndóigh! Tá súil agam go bhfuil gach duine ag baint sult as a bheith ag foghlaim sa bhaile.
Look how busy the boys and girls from Rang 3/4 have been - exercising, doing the dishes, creating beautiful arts, crafts, flower bouquets, learning to play the tin whistle, and of course doing some schoolwork as well!
Gaelscoil Ui Neill, 104 Washingbay Road, Coalisland Co. Tyrone BT71 4PU Tel: 028 87749178 | Fax:028 87741101 | Email: