Scoil na Foraoise le Rang 7
Chuaigh Rang 7 chuig scoil difriúil ar na mallaibh... d'fhoghlaim siad cuid mhór scileanna chun teacht slán. Tá siad ábalta learscáil a dhéanamh agus a léamh, pluaiseanna a thógáil agus an dóigh le hóstán na bhfeithidí a thógáil fosta! Bhain siad an-sult as na laethanta ag foghlaim taobh amuigh!
Rang 7 went to a different type of school recently... they were learning all about survival skills in the wild. They now know how to create and read maps, build a den and even create their own bug hotel They really enjoyed their time learning outside!
Click on the links below to see more of what we got up to at each session.
Gaelscoil Ui Neill, 104 Washingbay Road, Coalisland Co. Tyrone BT71 4PU Tel: 028 87749178 | Fax:028 87741101 | Email: