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Gaelscoil Ui Neill, Co. Tyrone

Tionól na Seachtaine / This Week's Assembly

7ú Deireadh Fómhair 2021

No assembly last week due to Sportathon and apologies to pupils in Rang 5 agus 6 for missing out on this week's assembly (visitor in class), but a BIG COMHGHAIRDEAS to the pupils who received certificates this week.  Also, well done to Rang 3 who now top the table with 105 points in our Irish-speaking Competition - early days yet, but a great start from the boys and girls in Rang 3.

Managing Information:  Berdina

Working with Others: Mícheal, Maisy, Daire, Fionntán, Noah, Lucy, Kyara

Thinking, Problem-solving, Being Creative: Saoirse, Cara