Nuacht News - Facebook
2020/2021 Bliain Scoile
11ú Meán Fómhair 2020
Welcome to Naíscoil Uí Néill. Our first group of Naíscoilers...
20ú Lúnasa 2020
Please find attached our plan for the return to school. Apologies re the delay...
2019/2020 Bliain Scoile
30ú Meitheamh 2020
It wasn't much, but it was nice all the same. We brought our P7s back for...
9ú Meitheamh 2020
A big congratulations to Mollaí for winning a Prize from Seomra Nuachta. ...
Gaelscoil Ui Neill, 104 Washingbay Road, Coalisland Co. Tyrone BT71 4PU Tel: 028 87749178 | Fax:028 87741101 | Email: