Nuacht News - Rang 2
2022/2023 Bliain Scoile
2019/2020 Bliain Scoile
12ú Meitheamh 2020
Bhain na páistí seo ó Rang 2 sult as páirt a ghlacadh...
4ú Bealtaine 2020
Leabhar léitheoireachta/Reading Book: An Rón Mór 04-04-20
4ú Bealtaine 2020
Seo pictiúr beag de Dhoiminic ag obair ar dhóigheanna éagsúla...
4ú Bealtaine 2020
Here is the new book Ainmhithe ag taistil Ann-v-ha ig tass-til Animals travelling...
4ú Bealtaine 2020
Here are somephotos of Caiden doing his rainbows for NHS 😊
4ú Bealtaine 2020
Molly playing outside with her cut outs of the Troll and Ghabhar Mór...
4ú Bealtaine 2020
Caolán is happy looking for cars and their colours.
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