Nuacht News - Facebook
2020/2021 Bliain Scoile
13ú Aibreán 2021
Even before the Pandemic, we took every opportunity to bring the indoors out and...
12ú Aibreán 2021
Nothing shows friendship more than sharing cake together and Rang 3 had a lovely...
31ú Márta 2021
The children didn't eggspect so much eggsitement and yolking around today. ...
30ú Márta 2021
Cé acu is fearr leat, brioscarán nó bonnóg? Which...
30ú Márta 2021
Amharc ar ealaín na Cásca a rinne Rang 5. Egg-selent work, children!!
29ú Márta 2021
….we're gonna do a big sum!!
Spending Monday morning active and outdoors...
26ú Márta 2021
Is breá le páistí tráthnóna Aoine. Children...
26ú Márta 2021
'Chalk and talk' is the expression used for education in the 'old days' when...
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