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Gaelscoil Ui Neill, Co. Tyrone

Nuacht News - Homepage

2019/2020 Bliain Scoile

22ú Samhain 2019
Go raibh maith agat to Errol and Caolán in Rang 4 for helping get the garden...
22ú Samhain 2019
Many thanks to Newell Stores for donating a Sweetie Hamper for the 3K Christmtas...
22ú Samhain 2019
A big CONGRATULATIONS  to the children who have hit, doubled or quadrupled...
22ú Samhain 2019
Comhghairdeas to this week's certificate winners: Caiden and Caolán for...
21ú Samhain 2019
It is important sometimes to take a break from work and have a fun day out. ...
12ú Samhain 2019
Here's looking forward to our inaugural Santa Dash on Saturday, 7th December at...
25ú Deireadh Fómhair 2019
A few more pictures from this morning's activities.  Apologies for the confusion,...
25ú Deireadh Fómhair 2019
Halloween half-day in the Gaelscoil is always a fun place to be.  Congratulataions...