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Gaelscoil Ui Neill, Co. Tyrone

Nuacht News - Homepage

2018/2019 Bliain Scoile

25ú Eanáir 2019
The after-school clubs opened again this week, with the Breakfast Clubs in...
25ú Eanáir 2019
Christmas got in the way of our Assemblies, so we are a bit behind with attendance...
25ú Eanáir 2019
Comhghairdeas do: Doiminic, Kaitlyn, Noah, Niamh, Úna agus Grainne.  
25ú Eanáir 2019
Congratulations to the children who received certificates this week: Dominic for...
23ú Eanáir 2019
The children are all waiting for a good fall of sneachta!
18ú Eanáir 2019
With our Open Mornings for Naíscoil and Primary 1 this week, we thought we...
11ú Eanáir 2019
A big go raibh maith agaibh to Volunteers Imelda and Chris (and Buddy) for spending...
11ú Eanáir 2019
While most parents and children were spending the last free weekday of the Christmas...
9ú Eanáir 2019
Please click on the link below to apply for a place in the Naíscoil or Gaelscoil. ...
20ú Nollaig 2018
Congratulations once again to Tyrone Ladies who did not forget us and returned following...