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Gaelscoil Ui Neill, Co. Tyrone

Nuacht News - Homepage

2020/2021 Bliain Scoile

25ú Márta 2021
Physical activity is good for emotional well-being, it is also great fun when you...
24ú Márta 2021
While it took the younger ones a bit longer to re-adjust to the Irish language again,...
24ú Márta 2021
Maith sibhse, Éabha and Barry, for getting one of the top prizes (an iPad)...
19ú Márta 2021
Beannachtaí na Féile Pádraig ó Rang 4!
16ú Márta 2021
Damhsa den scoth ónár ndalta féin Niamh i Rang 7.
16ú Márta 2021
Quieter than usual, but still boisterous, the sun shone on the Gaelscoil as our...