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Gaelscoil Ui Neill, Co. Tyrone

Nuacht News - Homepage

2020/2021 Bliain Scoile

7ú Eanáir 2021
Please find attached a letter outlining the home-learning programme over the next...
7ú Eanáir 2021
The application process has opened to apply for a place for your child in Nursery...
21ú Nollaig 2020
Éist le Rang 5 ag canadh cúpla amhrán Nollag/ Listen to Rang...
18ú Nollaig 2020
Following on from our Christmas Dinner and Jumer Day, a big thank you to all...
18ú Nollaig 2020
As Term 1 of 2020 draws to a close, having tentatively settled back in at the beginning...
9ú Nollaig 2020
Amharc a rinne Rang 3 don chrann Nollag ag an siopa!